THE casual sight of an old Play Bill, which I picked up the other day -- I know not by what chance it was preserved so long -- tempts me to call to mind a few of the Players, who make the principal figure in it. It presents the cast of parts in the Twelfth Night, at the old Drury-lane Theatre two-and-thirty years ago. There is something very touching in these old remembrances. They make us think how we once used to read a Play Bill -- not, as now peradventure, singling out a favorite performer, and casting a negligent eye over the rest; but spelling out every name, down to the very mutes and servants of the scene when it was a matter of no small moment to us whether Whitfield, or Packer, took the part of Fabian; when Benson, and Burton, and Phillimore -- names of small account -- had an importance, beyond what we can be content to attribute now to the times best actors.-" Orsino, by Mr. Barrymore. "What a full Shakspearian sound it carries! how fresh to memory arise the image, and the manner, of the gentle actor!