It has been two whole days since Padma stormed out of my life. For two days, her place at the vat of mango kasaundy has been taken by another woman also thick of waist, also hairy of forearm; but, in my eyes, no replacement at all! while my own dung lotus has vanished into I dont know where. A balance Mas been upset; I feel.cracks widening down the length of my body; because suddenly I am alone, without my necessary ear, and it isnt enough. I am seized by a sudden fist of anger: why should I be so unreasonably treated by my one disciple? Other men have recited stories before me; other men were not so impetuously abandoned. When Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana, dictated his masterpiece to elephant headed Ganesh, did the god walk out on him halfway? He certainly did not. (Note that, despite my Muslim background, Im enough of a Bombayite to be well up in Hindu stories, and actually Im very fond of the image of trunk nosed, flap eared Ganesh solemnly taking dictation!)