There was turmoil in Bombay in the months after the election; there is turmoil in my thoughts as I recall those days. My error has upset me badly; so now, to regain my equilibrium, I shall place myself firmly on the familiar ground of Methwolds Estate; leaving the history of the Midnight Childrens Conference to one side, and the pain of the Pioneer Cafe to another, I shall tell you about the fall of Evie Burns.
I have titled this episode somewhat oddly. Alpha and Omega stares back at me from the page, demanding to be explained a curious heading for what will be my storys half way point, one that reeks of beginnings and ends, when you could say it should be more concerned with middles; but, unrepentantly, I have no intention of changing it, although there are many alternative titles, for instance From Monkey to Rhesus, or Finger Redux, or in a more allusive style The Gander, a reference, obviously, to the mythical bird, the hamsa or parahamsa, symbol of the ability to live in two worlds, the physical and the spiritual, the world of land and water and the world of air, of flight. But Alpha and Omega it is; Alpha and Omega it remains. Because there are beginnings here, and all manner of ends; but youll soon see what I mean.