[Chinese guard is seen walking on The Great Wall. Shan-Yus falcon swoopsdown and hits the guard on the head knocking his helmet off. The falcon landson top of a flag pole in front of a full moon and lets out a large cry. Onegrappling hook comes over The Great Wall. The guard walks over to the edgeand sees many grappling hooks coming towards him]
Guard [yelling]: Were under attack! Light the signal!
[Guard runs to the tower and up the ladder as Hun Bald Man #1 and Hun LongHair Man appear trying to stop him. Hun Bald Man #1 breaks the ladder withhis sword just as Guard reaches the top. The guard picks up the torch tolight the fire and sees Shan-Yu jump over the edge of the tower and looks athim across from the caldron. The guard throws the torch into the caldronlighting a large fire. Shan-Yu watches as each tower lights their caldronsone by one]