The guy who jumped had two profound and apparently contradictory effects on us all. Firstly, he made us realize that we werent capable of killing ourselves. And secondly, this information made us suicidal again.
That isnt a paradox, if you know anything about the perversity of human nature. A long time ago, I worked with an alcoholic -someone who must remain nameless because you will almost certainly have heard of him.
And he told me that the first time he failed on an attempt to quit the booze was the most terrifying day of his life. Hed always thought that he could stop drinking, if he ever got round to it, so he had a choice stashed away in a sock drawer somewhere at the back of his head. But when he found out that he had to drink, that the choice had never really been there… Well, he wanted to do away with himself, if I may temporarily confuse our issues.