Will said, "Who is this man whos got the knife?"
They were in the Rolls-Royce, driving up through Oxford. Sir Charles sat in the front, half-turned around, and Will and Lyra sat in the back, with Pantalaimon a mouse now, soothed in Lyras hands.
"Someone who has no more right to the knife than I have to the alethiometer," said Sir Charles.
"Unfortunately for all of us, the alethiometer is in my possession, and the knife is in his."
"How do you know about that other world anyway?"
"I know many things that you dont. What else would you expect? I am a good deal older and considerably better informed. There are a number of doorways between this world and that; those who know where they are can easily pass back and forth. In Cittagazze theres a Guild of learned men, so called, who used to do so all the time."