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Whereto th Almighty answerd, not displeasd.

A nice and suttle happiness I see

Thou to thyself proposest, in the choice [ 400 ]

Of thy Associates, Adam, and wilt taste

No pleasure, though in pleasure, solitarie.

What thinkst thou then of mee, and this my State,

Seem I to thee sufficiently possest

Of happiness, or not? who am alone [ 405 ]

From all Eternitie, for none I know

Second to mee or like, equal much less.

How have I then with whom to hold converse

Save with the Creatures which I made, and those

To me inferiour, infinite descents [ 410 ]

Beneath what other Creatures are to thee?

He ceasd, I lowly answerd. To attaine

The highth and depth of thy Eternal wayes

All human thoughts come short, Supream of things;

Thou in thy self art perfet, and in thee [ 415 ]

Is no deficience found; not so is Man,

But in degree, the cause of his desire

By conversation with his like to help,

Or solace his defects. No need that thou

Shouldst propagat, already infinite; [ 420 ]

And through all numbers absolute, though One;

But Man by number is to manifest

His single imperfection, and beget

Like of his like, his Image multiplid,

In unitie defective, which requires [ 425 ]

Collateral love, and deerest amitie.

Thou in thy secresie although alone,

Best with thy self accompanied, seekst not

Social communication, yet so pleasd,

Canst raise thy Creature to what highth thou wilt [ 430 ]

Of Union or Communion, deifid;

I by conversing cannot these erect

From prone, nor in thir wayes complacence find.

Thus I emboldnd spake, and freedom usd

Permissive, and acceptance found, which gaind [ 435 ]

This answer from the gratious voice Divine.

