A multitude did. Within the next quarter-hour a stag party had taken over theapartment, several of them in uniform. I counted two Naval officers and an Air Forcecolonel; but they were outnumbered by graying arrivals beyond draft status. Exceptfor a lack of youth, the guests had no common theme, they seemed strangersamong strangers; indeed, each face, on entering, had struggled to conceal dismay atseeing others there. It was as if the hostess had distributed her invitations whilezigzagging through various bars; which was probably the case. After the initialfrowns, however, they mixed without grumbling, especially O.J. Berman, who avidlyexploited the new company to avoid discussing my Hollywood future. I was leftabandoned by the bookshelves; of the books there, more than half were abouthorses, the rest baseball. Pretending an interest in Horseflesh and How to Tell Itgave me sufficiently private opportunity for sizing Hollys friends.