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GOD: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The ones who I strive to make proud, my pillars of strength, Dad and Mum. I love you so much! Thank you for everything! To my brother, my true first best friend and rock, Aaron, and my sister-in-law, Michelle. To my inspiration to never compromise in integrity and to be the best I can be, my dear sister, Michelle.

To my Vujicic grandparents, Vladimir and Nada, now resting in eternal peace, who encouraged me to believe and be disciplined. To my grandma, who I'll get to know better in heaven, Anica Radojevic. To my ninety-three-year-old grandpa, Dragoljub Radojevic, and his wife, Ana, who taught me to never add to or subtract from the Gospel.

My love and thanks to all of my uncles and aunties, first, second, and third cousins, and other family members. In loving memory of Bosko Zunic, Roy Zunic, Martin Poljak, Joshua Vujicic, Steve Nenadov, and Barney Nenadov.

The board of directors for Life Without Limbs (USA): Batta Vujicic, David Price, Dan'l Markham, Don McMaster, and their wives and families. The board of directors for Life Without Limbs (Hong Kong chapter): Ignatius Ho and George Miksa, and their families. The volunteering international co-ordinators for Life Without Limbs. The Apostolic Christian Church of the Nazarean, and a very special thanks to Joni and Friends Ministry who have always been there for our ministry, and me personally. The team of Attitude is Altitude, and my mentors and coaches who always believed in me.

A big thank-you to my literary agents with great patience and faith in me, Jan Miller and Nena Madonia of Dupree Miller & Associates, and their team. Also to my writer, Wes Smith, who has done an absolutely incredible job at helping me put this together and working around our hectic touring. To the Crown Publishing Group and the entire team, thank you. Special thanks to Michael Palgon, Trace Murphy, and Karin Schulze.

Finally, a huge thank-you to all my friends who have loved, supported, and prayed for me along the way. To all of you who are reading, I want to also acknowledge your support as you help spread this message of hope to your family and friends. Thank you very much!

