LH: 话是不错,给大律师工作总比在咖啡馆当服务员好。可是,历史专业的毕业生也不见得都到餐馆去当服务员。我将来就要争取成为一个有名的教授, a big shot professor!
LL: That"s good to hear. Just be sure you don"t forget about me after you become a big shot!
LH: 嘿!Larry, 昨晚我去听演讲,怎么没看见你呢?那位教授讲得很有意思!
LL: Well, that"s good to hear. I couldn"t make it because some idiot crashed his car into mine last night on the way over here. I"m still pretty bent out of shape about it.
LH: 什么!你昨晚出车祸啦?Bent out of shape? 你是不是受伤了?
LL: I"m fine! (chuckles) I said I am bent out of shape. That means I am very angry and upset about the accident last night, even though it wasn"t very serious.