LH: 蚊子把你咬成那样呀!瞧你的手臂,还有腿,哟,还有脖子上!不过,你总算去玩了。我呀,才倒霉呢。车子好好停在那里,一个人会开着车撞上去,把我的门给撞坏了。He did a number on the door.
LL: Wow, too bad. At least you were lucky that you weren"t in the car when he hit it, he could have done a real number on you, not just your car.
LH: 对,幸好我没在车里,否则我肯定会受伤的。我姐姐以前就在出车祸时手臂骨给撞断了。
LL: That"s terrible! A few years ago someone in a car hit me while I was riding my bicycle on the street. I was not hurt, but it really did a number on my bike!
LH: 汽车撞你自行车,结果你居然没有受伤。自行车坏了没事。那个人赔你钱了?
LL: Nothing, because he drove off. Good for him: I was angry and felt like doing a number on his face with my fists.