LL: Right. I"ll give you an example of how phone tag works. On Monday, I called my brother and left a message on his answering machine. On Monday night, he called me back, but I was out so HE left a message.
LH: 我也碰到过这种情况,上星期我打电话给一个朋友,他不在,我就留了言。他给我回电话的时候,我又不在,所以他留了言。 这样互相留言好几次,谁也找不到对方, 真是像捉迷藏一样。Phone tag这个词太生动了。
LL: Yes, and this game of phone tag with my brother has been going on for three days! I"m getting pretty tired of it.
LH: 你们这样phone tag已经三天了, 你为什么不给他写email,发电子邮件呢?
LL: I know, Li Hua. Next time I call, if I get his answering machine again, I am going to tell him exactly when I am at home. That should solve the phone tag problem.