LL: You know, Li Hua, those are magazines I have had since I was a kid. I would love to look through them, but we don"t have oodles of time.
LH: 你小时候的杂志一直保留到现在, 难怪这么多。对了,你为什么说我们没有很多时间来收拾?我们今天还有别的事吗?
LL: Well, I arranged for a local charity to stop by at 5:00 and pick up the things I don"t need. We"ve got oodles of work to do before they come, and time is running out.
LH: 原来你已经跟慈善机构约好下午五点钟来拉东西。你怎么不早说呢?我们赶快收拾吧。
LL: The problem is that I want to give them useful things. I know I have oodles of things to throw away, but I am not sure I"ll have oodles of things to give to charity.