LL: I know it’s your first time bowling, and if you just "put your best foot forward" you’ll be a great bowler.
LH: 我一直不明白,怎么才能把保龄球直直地扔出去,不让它掉进球沟里去呢!还有,你让我put my best foot forward, 哪只脚是best foot? 左脚还是右脚?
LL: When you’re told to "put your best foot forward," someone is giving you support to step up to the task and do your very best. Now, here is an 8-pound bowling ball, you should be able to do well with this.
LH: 哦,你是在鼓励我加油。好,把球给我!我先试试左脚。
(LH takes ball from LL and drops it on her foot)
LH: Ouch! 疼死我了。真倒霉,还没开始打,脚却先被球砸了。How can I "put my best foot forward" now? 看起来,左脚肯定不是我的“best foot.”