看过紧张大师Hitchcock导演的The Thirty nine steps之后,一度读了原作者John Buchan的一些小说和非小说。他在牛津念书期间就出版了长篇故事和散文集,一九零一年到一九零三年在英国驻南非的高级专员公署任职,处理布尔战争后的重建工作,一边接着写作。他一九三五到四零过世的五年里出任加拿大总督,亦官亦士,声名很盛。他那些描写乱世谍影的故事最为普及,待人接物又祥和亲切,过世的时候《泰晤士报》收到千百篇追悼文字,只能选登一小部分。John Buchan似乎很珍视他写的四部传记:Montrose、Sir Walter Scott、Cromwell和Augustus,说是写作过程中带着表白信仰的心情,从中看清了自己对许多主义和实践的信念,思绪顿然明净。他说小说不难写,这些传记倒相当费事费神,却也娱情养性,暂忘无益之俗务,一心高瞻远瞩,从而能以更持平的眼光看现世的问题。他说那是历史之无上价值(“All these four books were, indeed, in a sense a confession of faith, for they enabled me to define my own creed on many matters of doctrine and practice, and thereby cleared my mind. They were laborious affairs compared to my facile novels, but they were also a relaxation, for they gave me a background into which I could escape from contemporary futilities, a watch-tower from which I had a long prospect, and could see modern problems in juster proportions. That is the supreme vaulue of history.”)A L Rowse说,John Buchan重友情,懂礼数,两人同时在伦敦患十二指肠溃疡的时候,Buchan在病榻上还要处理公事之余,竟然抽空写信慰问Rowse。“也许只有天天接触文字的作家才清楚知道片纸寸笺的意义”Rowse说。