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Adams The Microfilm Edition of the Adams Papers,608 reels(Boston,1954-1959).

AHR American Historical Review.

Boyd Julian P. Boyd et al.,eds.,The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,26 vols.to date(Princeton,1950-).

Cappon Lester G. Cappon,ed.,The Adams-Jefferson Letters:The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams,2 vols.(Chapel Hill,1959).

Fitzpatrick John C. Fitzpatrick,ed.,Writings of George Washington,39 vols.(Washington,D.C.,1931-1939).

Paul Leicester Ford,ed.,The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,10 vols.(New York,1892-1899).

JAH Journal of American History.

JER Journal of the Early Republic.

JSH Journal of Southern History.

NEQ New England Quarterly.

Rutland Robert A. Rutland et al.,The Papers of James Madison,22 vols. to date(Charlottesville,1962-).

Smith James Morton Smith,ed.,The Republic of Letters:The Correspon-dence Between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison,1776-1826,3 vols.(New York,1995).

Spur John A. Schutz and Douglass Adair,eds.,The Spur of Fame:Dia-logues of John Adams and Benjamin Rush,1805-1813(San Marino,1966).

Syrett Harold Syrett,ed.,The Papers of Alexander Hamilton,26 vols,(New York,1974-1992).

VMHB Virginia Magazine of History and Biography.

WMQ William and Mary Quarterly,3d ser.

Works Charles Francis Adams,ed.,The Works of John Adams,Second President of the United States,10 vols.(Boston,1850-1856).

Writings George Washington,Writings,John Rhodehamel,ed.,Library of America(New York,1997).

