作者 : C·S·刘易斯
Narnia . where giants wreak havoc . where evil weaves a spell . where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : C·S·刘易斯
The conclusion of the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew… Narnia … where dwarfs are loyal and tough and strong -- or are they? … where you must say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble now. A false Aslan roams the land. Narnia's only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends to Narnia, will be able to find the true Aslan and restore peace to the land. Their task is a difficult one because, as the Centaur says, The stars never lie, but Men and Beasts do. Who is the real Aslan and who is the imposter?
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 海伦·菲尔丁
海伦·菲尔丁,英国当今最受欢迎的都市女作家。1958年生于约克郡,后在伦敦生活,曾为BBC工作多年。2003年被英国《观察者报》评为最有趣的英国作家之一。《BJ单身日记》是海伦·菲尔丁的代表代,曾获尼尔森白多图书奖,被誉为现代版的《傲慢与偏见》。作品最初于《独立报》和《每日电讯报》专栏连载,获得读者的极大好评,风靡英伦,出版后长期居于英国各大畅销书排行榜第一名。2001年被改编成同名电影后,轰动世界,成为近年来最受世界影迷欢迎和津津乐道的影片,BJ一词也从此成为单身女性中最为时髦的词语。A glorious read, and there is a laugh on every pageSunday TimesThe Wilderness Years anr over! But not for long.At the end of Bridget Jones`s Diary, Bridget hiccuped off into the sunset with man-of-her-dreams Mark Darcy. Now, in The Edge of Reason, she discovers what it is like when you have the man of your dreams actually in your flat and he hasn't done the washing-up,not just the whole of the week,but ever.Lurching through a morass of self-help-book theories and mad advice from Jude and Shazzer, struggling with a boyfriend-stealing ex-friend with thighs like a baby giraffe, and 8ft hole in the living-room wall, a mother obsessed with boiled-egg peelers, and a builder obsessed with large reservoir fish, Bridget embarks on a spiritual epiphany, whick takes her from the cappuccino queues of Notting Hill to the paim-and magic-mushroom-kissed shores of...Bridget is back.V.g.If you loved Bridget Jones's Diary, you`ll love this; there is no diminution of the freshness or fun, or of Fielding's underlying intelligence'Mail on Sunday.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞
In the shade of the house, in the sunshine of the riverbank near the boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood forest, in the shade of the fig tree is where Siddhartha grew up, the handsome son of the Brahman, the young falcon, together with his friend Govinda, son of a Brahman.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞
《纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙》把故事和人物安排在中世纪:自幼失去母亲的修道院学生歌尔德蒙立志侍奉上帝,他的老师和朋友纳尔齐斯却劝说他放弃苦修和戒条的束缚,回归母亲赋予他的本性之中,成为灵感充沛的人。于是歌尔德蒙听从了他的劝告,开始流浪的生涯。自从爱欲被一位吉卜赛女郎所唤醒,歌尔德蒙的身体和灵魂就经历了无数次爱情与背叛,争夺与死亡,浸透了红尘的气味,也烙下了许多细微、优美而沧桑的感触。直到有一天,他被一座圣母像的美所震撼,激起了他创造的欲望。于是歌尔德蒙师从雕刻家,沉潜到雕塑艺术中。历经千回百折,他又回到自己的挚友和师长纳尔齐斯的身边,两人分别以灵感和理性启发对方,终于使歌尔德蒙掌握了化瞬间为永恒的艺术法则,雕出了以他的恋人丽迪亚为原型的完美塑像圣母玛利亚。在艺术创造的过程中,不羁的天性仍然驱使他远离静态的生活,去追逐不道德的艳遇,去放逐自己的躯体,直到它衰老、死亡,直到它已穷尽世间的所有奇遇,直到自己不再渴求任何幸福。歌尔德蒙死在理性的兄长纳尔齐斯身旁,死在对母亲和死亡的大彻大悟中,虽然他没有完成对夏娃母亲的雕塑,但是他没有任何遗憾。《纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙》是一部奇特的小说,具有多重释义的可能:它探讨了理性人生与感性人生之间的复杂关系;呼唤从父性文化向母性文化传统的回归;探求人性内部的和谐;但从总体上来看,它是一部在哲学层次上探讨生命永恒的意义的小说。an ascetic monk; a rigorous intellectual remains in the monastery to become an abbot; the epitome of the masculine, analytical mind. GOLDMUND romantic, dreamy, flaxen-haired boy; celebrates the lush, lyrical, rapturous, sensuous quality of women; leaves the monastery to find his true nature; he epitomizes the feminine mind. NARCISSUS AND GOLDMUND two antithetical natures, the best of friends, who understand and assist each other.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊
With a new introduction by the acclaimed bestselling author, this is the spectacular deluxe tenth-anniversary edition of a fantasy classic--the sweeping tale of sorcery, magic, politics, war, love, betrayal, and survival... A richly sensuous fantasy world, full of evocative history, religions, folklore, local customs, and a magical rites...a bravura performance, nearly impossible to put down.-- Kirkus ReviewsKay's brilliant and complex portrayal of good and evil, high and low, will draw readers to this consuming epic.-- Publishers WeeklyA brilliant single-volume epic fantasy, rich in intrigue and subtlety. Memorable characters and cultures add depth to a gracefully plotted story.-- Library JournalMassively satisfying...startlingly new. -- Toronto StarThe heir to Tolkien's tradition.-- BooklistOne of the best fantasy novels I have read.-- Anne McCaffreyAll that you held most dear you will put by and leave behind you; and this is the arrow the longbow of your exile first lets fly.You will come to know how bitter as salt and stone is the bread of others, how hard the way that goes up and down stairs that never are your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out; if it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.George Seferis, Stratis the Sailor Describes a Man
最近更新 2019-11-21
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
作者 : 乔伊斯
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr. Jacqueline Belanger, University of Cardiff A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man represents the transitional stage between the realism of Joyce's Dubliners and the symbolism of Ulysses, and is essential to the understanding of the later work.The novel is a highly autobiographical account of the adolescence of Stephen Dedalus, who reappears in Ulysses, and who comes to realize that before he can become a true artist, he must rid himself of the stultifying effects of the religion, politics and essential bigotry of his background in late 19th century Ireland. Written with a light touch,this is perhaps the most accessible of Joyce's works.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 卡森·麦卡勒斯
When Carson McCullers was a teenager, she came to New York City to study piano at Juilliard. She never matriculated; she lost the purse with her tuition money in it. Such small, unredressed tragedies as these are at the silent, solitary heart of McCullers' first novel, which centers on a deaf-mute and a teenage tomboy living in a small Georgia town in the 1930s. McCullers' characters reach out to one another for sympathy and understanding, but not all of them can complete the connection, and their isolated thoughts form a choir of amazing, transcendent poignance—music only the reader can hear. —L.G.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 凯斯·唐纳胡
For Dorothy and Thomas, wish you were hereWe look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory.NOSTOS BY LOUISE GLUCKThank you to Peter Steinberg and Coates Bateman. I am also happily indebted to Nan Talese, Luke Epplin, and everyone at Doubleday, to Joe Regal and the redoubtable Bess Reed. To Melanie for her insightful reading and suggestions and for years of encouragement. To all my children.For their advice and inspiration, Sam Hazo, David Low, Cliff Becker, Amy Stolls, Ellen Bryson, Gigi Bradford, Allison Bawden, Laura Becker, and Sharon Kangas. And for the swift kick at Whale Rock, thank you to Jane Alexander and Ed Sherin.Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection inspired the journal article on the anthropological roots of the changeling myth.
最近更新 2019-11-21
The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories
作者 : 卡森·麦卡勒斯
本书所收录的小说,其背景则呈现为多样性,有都市生活的,有大学生活的,也有家庭生活的,但其反映的主旨似仍在人物的内心世界,以及那种没来由的孤独感。伤心咖啡馆之歌首先,爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验——不过,说它是共同的经验并不意味着它在有关的两个人身上所引起的反响是同等的。世界上有爱者,也有被爱者,这是截然不同的两类人。往往,被爱者仅仅是爱者心底平静地蕴积了好久的那种爱情的触发剂。每一个恋爱的人都多少知道这一点。他在灵魂深处感到他的爱恋是一种很孤独的感情。他逐渐体会到一种新的、陌生的孤寂,正是这种发现使他痛苦。因此,对于恋爱者来说只有一件事可做。他必须尽可能深地把他的爱情禁铜在心中;他必须为自己创造一个全然是新的内心世界——个认真的、奇异的、完全为他单独拥有的世界。我还得添上一句,我们所说的这样的恋爱者倒不一定得是一个正在攒钱准备买结婚戒指的年轻人——这个恋爱者可以是男人、女人、儿童,总之,可以是世界上任何一个人。 至于被爱者.也可以是任何一种类型的人。最最粗野的人也可以成为爱情的触发剂。一个颤巍巍的老爷子可能仍然钟情于2o年前某日下午他在奇霍街头所见到的陌生姑娘。牧师也许会爱上一个堕落的女人。被爱的人可能人品很坏,油头滑脑,染有不良恶习。是的,恋爱者也能像别人一样对一切认识得清清楚楚——可是这丝毫也不影响他的感情的发展。一个顶顶平庸的人可以成为一次沼泽毒罂粟般热烈、狂放、美丽的恋爱的对象。一个好人也能成为—次放荡、堕落的恋爱的触发剂,一个絮絮叨叨的疯子没准能使某人头脑里出现一曲温柔、淳美的牧歌。因此. 任何一次恋爱的价值与质量纯粹取决于恋爱者本身。 正因如此,我们大多数人都宁愿爱而不愿被爱。几乎每一个都愿意充当恋爱者。道理非常简单,人们朦朦胧胧地感到,被人爱的这种处境,对于许多人来说,都是无法忍受的。被爱者惧怕而且憎恨爱者,这也是有充分理由的。因为爱者总是想把他的所爱者剥得连灵魂都裸露出来。爱者疯狂地渴求与被爱者发生任何一种可能的关系,纵使这种经验只能给他自身带来痛苦。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 安吉拉·卡特
A collection of short stories full of extraordinary people, some of them real - Jean Duval, Baudelaire's black mistress, Edgar Allan Poe and Lizzie Borden. Other characters flow from the author's imagination. She also wrote Nights at the Circus, The Magic Toyshop and Shadow Dance.
最近更新 2019-11-21
The Poetry of Federico García Lorca
作者 : 加西亚·洛尔迦
费德里科·加西亚·洛尔迦(federico garcia lorca,1989-1936)是20世纪最伟大的西班牙诗人、27年一代的代表人物。这位安达卢西亚之子把他的诗同西班牙民间歌谣创造性地结合起来,创造出了一种全新的诗体:节奏优美哀婉,形式多样,词句形象,想象丰富,民间色彩浓郁,易于吟唱,同时又显示出超凡的诗艺。近70年来,他的诗歌作品对世界诗坛产生了巨大影响,难怪美国著名诗人勃莱谈到他的作品时说:洛尔迦的诗歌佳作是人类智力的楷模。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 巴勃罗·聂鲁达
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)Pablo Neruda was born in Parall, Chile. He studied in Santiago in the twenties. From 1927 to 1945 he was the Chilean consul in Rangoon, in Java, and then in Barcelona. He joined the Communist Party after the Second World War. Between 1970 and 1973 he served in Allende’s Chilean Government as ambassador to Paris. He died shortly after the coup that ended the Allende Government.Neruda's career as a poet began with love poetry and ended with love poetry. One of his very last works, written only days before his death, is The End, a love poem to [his wife] Matilde. There were, of course, changes; there were deviations during the period of Residence on Earth, for example; there were turns and innovations during the period of political and epic poetry that began in the late thirties and culminated in 1950 with Canto General, but there was also a remarkable continuity. Erotic poetry and love poetry were for Neruda an important, essential part of his poetic life.Pablo Neruda was one of the most prolific poets of our century. To trace the development of even one aspect of his poetic world is far from easy. Yet in the case of his erotic poetry and his love poetry the outline of that development is clear enough. The early Neruda, from his first published book, Crepusculario, and then especially in Twenty Poems, is a sensualist and a materialist in his approach to love and woman…. [In Twenty Poems] Neruda intensifies the complete fusion between woman and Nature. Joy and despair, like Marisol and Marisombra, mingle and alternate in this book, but whatever the emotion of the moment, the poet is constant in his identification of woman with Nature, in his use of Nature imagery to describe woman, and in his conception of woman as a vehicle for a return to Nature. In these richly sensual poems, the style is still on the whole modern Romantic with symbolist overtones and the first few hints of the newer, more disturbing poetic styles. Yet they remain constructive poems, in that they are organized around experiences in which real human beings, Neruda himself and the women he loved, provide a stabilizing platform upon which each poem is built.
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁
ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING[伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁]于公元1806年出生在达翰姆(英格兰北部一郡)。1838年,她出版了《撒拉弗和其它诗篇》[撒拉佛——六翼天使(九级天使中地位最高者),又称:炽爱天使]。1843年,由于当时英国的最高统治者是女性,伊丽莎白于国家诗人的提名得到了更加广泛的支持。结果很不幸,她输给了威廉·华兹华斯--同一时代的另一位伟大诗人[有机会笔者会撰文介绍此人]。此后不久,伊利沙白与罗伯特·勃朗宁——另一位有才华的诗人,结婚了。然而,伊丽莎白的父亲,却不同意这场婚事。于是,这对情侣决定出逃。并由此,引发了一场浪漫的婚姻。伊丽莎白与罗伯特·勃朗宁准备各自出发,逃往意大利,并在比萨会合,去继续他们的生活。他们成功了。三年后,即1849年,他们已在意大利中部的佛罗伦萨定居。一日,伊丽莎白送给她的丈夫一件珍贵的礼物——44首她为丈夫写的十四行诗,里面有开始时的怀疑,与家庭抗争的恐惧,与爱人的甜蜜,及最终爱的胜利的喜悦。同年,他们唯一的男孩出生了。一年后,即1850年,勃朗宁夫妇出版了那44首诗,但做了些伪装。他们用葡萄牙十四行诗集为这44首诗命名。如此一来,读者便会接受这些诗是由葡萄牙语翻译过来的的暗示。于是,我们今天可以看到如此表达真爱和深爱的诗句。伊丽莎白的浪漫婚姻促成了她的,也是整个维多利亚时代的,最美丽的爱情商籁体诗。
最近更新 2019-11-21
作者 : 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦
The Little Boy and the Old ManSaid the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon.Said the old man, I do that too.The little boy whispered, I wet my pants.I do that too, laughed the little old man.Said the little boy, I often cry.The old man nodded, So do I.But worst of all, said the boy, it seemsGrown-ups don't pay attention to me.And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.I know what you mean, said the little old man.
最近更新 2019-11-21