LH: 原来是你妈妈打电话给你。对了,你又说我什么啦,我给你third degree?那是什么意思?
LL: To give someone the third degree means to question that person aggressively in order to get him/her to confess to something.
LH: To give someone the third degree就是盘问某人的意思。我可没有盘问你的意思。我只是等你等了很久,都快发火了嘛!
LL: Sorry. I didn"t expect my mom to call. My mom gave me the third degree, too. She wanted to know why I haven"t called her in such a long time.
LH: 你妈也质问你为什么这么久没打电话回家。那你是怎么跟她说的?
LL: I just told her that I"ve been really busy. The truth is that I avoid calling her, because every time I do call her, she gives me the third degree about something.