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Rosa Alchemica

作者 : 叶芝

O blessed and happy he, who knowing the mysteries of the gods,sanctifies his life, and purifies his soul, celebrating orgies in the mountains with holy purifications.--Euripides.

最近更新 2019-11-21

Coming up for Air

作者 : 乔治·奥威尔


最近更新 2019-11-21

Burning Your Boats

作者 : 安吉拉·卡特

Burning Your Boats (Short Stories Collection),本书完整收录安洁拉·卡特创作生涯中的短篇小说。其中包括四册曾独立出版之作品:《烟火》,《染血之室》,《黑色维纳斯》, 《美国鬼魂与旧世界奇观》),另外还收录卡特从未出版单行本之六篇遗珠小说。著名小说家鲁西迪特别作序推荐。 本书四十二篇精彩小说可以看到作者创作上的企图心,题材从童话故事到真人真事皆有,原发表场所从一般流行杂志到学术倾向的伦敦书评,显示卡特不断跨越各种书写,社会分界,像是个游走江湖的说书人,吸引各种社会阶层驻足聆听。 其中《染血之室》,为卡特最著名的代表作,她改写《蓝胡子》、《穿靴猫》、《小红帽》等著名故事,大幅翻转故事的指涉意义。其中《与狼为伴》一篇曾改编成电影。

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : 梭维斯特

《屋顶间的哲学家》是法国作家梭维斯特的代表作。一个住在巴黎屋顶间(一种贫民窟)的哲学家,从他高踞在上的屋顶间,俯视下界蝇营狗苟的众生,生动地写下了这部日记体的作品。书中十二个分散的故事,像十二首美丽动人的诗篇,充溢着爱和同情的人生哲学,处处表现出恬淡谦挹(yì)的人生观。作者对普通人的真诚关怀和对人生罪恶的深切痛恨,充分透露出上一世纪一个有良知的知识分子处身乱世不肯随欲浮沉的磊落胸襟和博大情怀。No one succeeds in obtaining a prominent place in literature, or in surrounding himself with a faithful and steady circle of admirers drawn from the fickle masses of the public, unless he possesses originality, constant variety, and a distinct personality. It is quite possible to gain for a moment a few readers by imitating some original feature in another; but these soon vanish and the writer remains alone and forgotten. Others, again, without belonging to any distinct group of authors, having found their standard in themselves, moralists and educators at the same time, have obtained undying recognition.

最近更新 2019-11-21

The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt(Excerpt)

作者 : 威廉·格纳齐诺

This brief and poignant novel from Germany explores existential questions as its 46-year-old narrator reflects on broken relationships and other failures, and struggles to come to terms with life.The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt by Wilhelm Genazino, 2004 recipient of the Georg-Büchner-Preis, Germanys highest literary honor, is finally available to English-speaking readers in a pitch-perfect translation by Philip Boehm.Employed by a high-end shoe manufacturer to test new products, the narrator spends his days wandering through his native city, encountering faces from his past (primarily female) and experiencing anew the many manifestations of the mystery of life. In the grand tradition of literary flaneurs, he takes note of his surroundings, from the significant to the mundane, and assembles them into a sort of mental collage that is at once self-portrait and cityscape.Most remarkable in Genazinos work is the humor with which he invests this melancholic character. Though at times he fears that he teeters on the brink of insanity, he good-naturedly pursues the strange twists of fate that land him variously behind a table at the flea market, in a newspaper office, by the banks of a flooded river, or in a friends bed. As Peter von Matt wrote in Der Spiegel, Indeed, there is hardly a subtler humorist among todays writers than Genazino.

最近更新 2019-11-21

The Last Battle

作者 : C·S·刘易斯

The conclusion of the saga that began with The Magician's Nephew… Narnia … where dwarfs are loyal and tough and strong -- or are they? … where you must say good-bye … and where the adventure begins. The Unicorn says that humans are brought to Narnia when Narnia is stirred and upset. And Narnia is in trouble now. A false Aslan roams the land. Narnia's only hope is that Eustace and Jill, old friends to Narnia, will be able to find the true Aslan and restore peace to the land. Their task is a difficult one because, as the Centaur says, The stars never lie, but Men and Beasts do. Who is the real Aslan and who is the imposter?

最近更新 2019-11-21

A Long Way Down

作者 : 尼克·霍恩比

在元旦新年的守岁夜,伦敦有四个失意绝望的人:因为跟一个15岁少女上床而声败名裂的电视名人马丁;除了照顾自己严重残疾的成年儿子没有自己生活的中年妇女莫莲;因为姐姐几年前神秘失踪而一直走不出心理阴影的少女杰丝;和乐队解散、女友分手的美国摇滚歌手JJ。他们都想到著名的礼帽大厦楼顶跳楼自杀,四人在楼顶不期而遇。他们一起度过了一个晚上,讲述各自不幸的遭遇,第二天一早各自回家,但从此形成了一个奇怪的四人小团体,开始发生各种各样有趣的事情,比如他们试图挽救马丁的婚姻,结果一团糟;他们组成读书会,专门讨论自杀的作家们,他们还计划不周地匆匆去金丝雀群岛旅行…… 这是英国当红作家尼克·霍恩比第四部长篇小说,他的小说风格充满喜剧色彩而给人以温暖。在这部首印达17万册的新作中,他娴熟地驾驭自杀这样沉重的话题,时不时令读者发出会心一笑。小说刚刚在美国上市就占据《纽约时报》小说排行榜第四名,其受欢迎程度可见一斑。新年前夜,四个生活失意的陌生人在伦敦著名的自杀圣地顶层大厦上不期而遇。马丁是个名誉臭了大街的电视节目主持人,JJ是个失败的音乐人,中年妇女莫琳除了一个植物人儿子之外一无所有,而洁丝是个四处碰壁的青春期叛逆少女。经过一个荒唐的夜晚,四人组成所谓的自杀俱乐部,试图互相帮助,走出抑郁的低谷。新的烦恼与笑料由此产生……

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : 查尔斯·兰姆


最近更新 2019-11-21

Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts

作者 : 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆

唐纳德·巴塞尔姆Donald Barthelme(1931年4月7日—1989年7月23日)是美国后现代主义小说家,代表作是《白雪公主》。他一生写了大量的短篇小说,并曾从事新闻记者、杂志编辑等工作,并曾在纽约城市大学任教。虽然以短篇小说文明,巴塞尔姆一生中亦著有四部中长篇小说:《白雪公主》(Snow White),《死去的父亲》(The Dead Father),《天堂》(Paradise)以及 The King。他的一百多篇短篇收集在 《Come Back, Dr. Caligari》、 《Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts》《City Life》和《Sadness》等书中。另外,它的大部分作品汇集在了《故事六十篇》(Sixty Stories)和《故事四十篇》(Forty Stories)之中。巴塞尔姆还著有一些非小说书籍,如:《Guilty Pleasures》、《Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews of Donald Barthelme》。并和女儿一道写了儿童文学作品《The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine》,并因此在1972年获得美国国家图书奖。巴塞尔姆的短篇小说作品通常只重视偶然和片断,而并传统、完整的叙述并不多见。一些作品背离了小说传统表现方式,甚至在一些作品里采用大量非文字的表达方式例如插入让读者难以捉摸的图片或者单调的色块。人们对他的作品有褒有贬。褒者认为巴塞尔姆的作品思维方式奇特、观点独到,贬者认为他的作品毫无意义不能理解。他也是美国最富有影响力的后现代主义作家之一。

最近更新 2019-11-21

A Light in the Attic

作者 : 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦

The Little Boy and the Old ManSaid the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon.Said the old man, I do that too.The little boy whispered, I wet my pants.I do that too, laughed the little old man.Said the little boy, I often cry.The old man nodded, So do I.But worst of all, said the boy, it seemsGrown-ups don't pay attention to me.And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.I know what you mean, said the little old man.

最近更新 2019-11-21

Some Poems of Carson McCulles

作者 : 卡森·麦卡勒斯

Some poems of Carson McCullers

最近更新 2019-11-21

Synge And The Ireland Of His Time

作者 : 叶芝


最近更新 2019-11-21

The Land of Heart's Desire

作者 : 叶芝

O Rose, thou art sick.-- WILLIAM BLAKETo FLORENCE FARRThe Scene is laid in the Barony of Kilmacowen, in the County of Sligo, and at a remote time.

最近更新 2019-11-21


